Belgian Jazz Meeting 2022

February 11–12 2022
Namur (BE)

Artists from Wallonia
and Brussels

Manuel Hermia
Manuel Hermia

Being an improviser, a composer and an explorer of world music, Manuel Hermia has developed personal projects simultaneously in several directions: jazz with his Trio ("Long tales and short Stories", Igloo 2010, Octave of the best jazz band in 2011) and his Quartet ("The Spirit of the Valley", Igloo 1999, "Rajazz", Igloo 2006), with the group Slang ("Los Locos", "Save the Chilis", "It's on the way") and, on the Indian flute this time with The Whisper of the Orient (Igloo 2005, and Cristal / Harmonia Mundi, 2012).

He has also played with many artists from different cultures: Mamady Keita (Guinea), Dhruba Ghosh (India), Regis Gizavo (Madagascar), Majid Bekkas (Moraco), Ben Ngabo (Rwanda), Nono Garcia (Spain), Joao Braga (Brazil), Dobet Gnahoré (Ivory Coast), Abid Bahri (Morocco), Manou Gallo (Ivory Coast)...

He also played for the contemporary circus company Feria Musica during 10 years. 
He appears as a guest in other horizons with Fred Wesley, Peter Van Dormael, Didier Laloy, Karim Baggili, Salvatore Adamo, Sttellla, William Sheller, Radja Nin, Dick Annegarn, Clarika, The Guilty Brothers Experience, Oxymore...

Igor Gehenot
Igor Gehenot
  • belgian modern jazz
  • belgian jazz

Igor Gehenot (Liège 27.11.1989) started classical piano studies from an early age. At 13 he enters the jazz section of the royal academy of Liège and at 19 the conservatory of Maastricht. When 17 he met drummer Antoine Pierre with whom he started the Metropolitan Quartet and perfom many concerts in Belgium and abroad. The Quartet wins the “Young talent” Prize at the Comblain-La-Tour Festival. He enters the Royal Conservatory of Brussels in 2009 for two years, where he studies among others with Eric Legnini, and starts his own trio with Sam Gerstmans on double bass and drummer Antoine Pierre. One of the main jazzclubs in Brussels The “Sounds”, realizing his great talent, proposes a residence fot two years. This opportunity has been essential in developing the cohesion of his trio and has also gave the opportunity to play with many guests like Félix Zurstrassen, Lionel Beuvens, Martin Méréau, Pat Cleaver, Jean-Paul Estiévenart, Lorenzo Di Maio, Sal La rocca, Jens Bouttery, Daniele Cappucci, Vincent Thékal.

  • experimental jazz

"Hectic drum grooves + bouncy Moog + distorted guitar + crystal voice Next.Ape" Next.Ape (stylized as .▲) is a Belgium-based band featuring two Belgians, one Hungarian and a Luxembourgish. Four musicians enjoying the exploration of a psychedelic blend of rock and trip-hop. At the crossroads of Radiohead, Damon Albarn, Modeselektor and Miles Davis. The lyrics look very much like short stories. They are rooted in a more and more oppressive yet hopeful reality. Read more on

Toine Thys Trio
Toine Thys Trio
  • belgian modern jazz

Toine Thys is bold and reckless musician, a central figure for saxophone and bass clarinet in Europe, with a warm tone. He is relentlessly stepping out of his comfort zone, jumping into new musical and human adventures. He is active as a leader of his own projects, and a much demanded sideman. He can be heard in Europe, as well  in Western Africa, Asia and Canada.

Pauline Leblond Double Quartet
Pauline Leblond Double Quartet

Eight musicians cross the bridge between jazz and baroque music. A brilliant dialogue between complicit artists, delivered with elegance and informality.

A subtle blend of jazz quartet and string quartet, sometimes confronting each other and sometimes fusing around the original compositions of a fathomlessly creative trumpet player.

Professional Activities

For this new edition of Belgian Jazz Meeting, we will once again be team up with the festival to support projects from Wallonia and Brussels.



17.00 – 17.40 Pentadox (Tambour)

18.00 – 18.40 Manuel Hermia Freetet (Tambour)

20.00 – 20.40 Toine Thys Overseas (Main Room)

21.00 – 21.40 N∆BOU (Main Room)

22.00 – 22.40 Next.Ape (Mediator)


11.30 – 12.10 Pauline Leblond Double Quartet (Main Room)

14.30 – 15.10 schntzl (Tambour)

15.30 – 16.10 Cinema Paradiso (Main Room)

16.30 – 17.10 Thomas Champagne feat. Adam O’Farrill (Tambour)

20.00 – 20.40 Igor Gehenot Cursiv (Main Room)

21.00 – 21.40 Alex Koo (Main Room)

22.00 – 22.40 Compro Oro Simurg (Main Room)


Check out the Belgian Jazz Meeting leaflet

Belgian Jazz Meeting

The Belgian Jazz Meeting is an international network meeting and showcase festival for the professional jazz sector taking place every two years, with as its primary aim: promoting the Belgian jazz scene abroad.