Press review
Press Review October 2023
À Marseille, alors qu’Actoral nous émerveille, Montévidéo est en danger absolu | Les Inrocks |
Three hours of all-over-the-map house and techno from two residents of Belgium club Fuse. | Resident Advisor | |
Three hours of all-over-the-map house and techno from two residents of Belgium club Fuse. | Resident Advisor |
IT IT ANITA - ‘MOUCHE’ | Mowno | |
It It Anita à Petit Bain : Shot de chaleur en intraveineuse | La Face B |
JULIEN TASSIN QUARTET – Birth Suite (IGLOO Records/W.E.R.F Records) | Luminous Dash |
Krisy : « Je veux qu’Euphoria inspire les gens à réussir sans rentrer dans une case » | Views FR |
On a aussi écouté Manu Louis – Club Copy | Indie Pop Rock Mag | |
«Club Copy» de Manu Louis : «Nous sommes le remake d’un remake» | Libération | |
Manu Louis' Club Copy: Ein Experiment in der Standardisierung | Amplified Mag |
Martha Da’ro en interview dans le Feel De Diane ! | Jam |
Melanie De Biasio - Le voyage | Larsen | |
Fotostoria di ‘Il viaggio’, il disco “italiano” di Melanie De Biasio | Rolling Stone Magazine |
Hamza a posé son univers nocturne à la Rockhal | L'Essentiel |
Nieuwe single Peet – “Isaiah” | Dansende Beren | |
Peet est planant dans "Isaiah" | Generations |
DON KAPOT – I Love Tempo (W.E.R.F.) | Luminous Dash |
ADN 694 : Milk TV | La Face B |
Even voorstellen – Stace – de nieuwe EP ‘Overblue’ | MusicZine | |
Exclusive Premiere: STACE Shows a New Facet of Her Artistry in the Music Video of “Tainted” | Enfnts Terribles | |
Nieuwe single STACE – “Tainted” | Dansende Beren |
A Year of Grace by Baby Fire | BluesBunny | |
Baby Fire - A year of grace | Underdog Fanzine | |
BABY FIRE – A Year Of Grace | Luminous Dash | |
Checklist #24 | Muziscene |
Gros Cœur : la grosse interview pour la sortie de leur Gros Disque | Jam |
La belgique a encore frappé : Découvrez la révélation électro Colt ! | Zickma |
Con entrada liberada: este miércoles inicia el Festival de Jazz Chileuropa | La Cuarta |
What’s going on: A video selection
This selection of videos will be regularly updated based on interviews, features and clips from artists from the Wallonia-Brussels Federation (Belgium) who are active on international stages.
This month's video clips
With: Ada Oda, peet, La Jungle, Romano Nervoso, Antoine Hénaut, Témé Tan, Noé Preszow, Bakari, Dan San, Isha, Colt, Puggy...
With: ascendant vierge, Tukan, Laryssa Kim, Lous & The Yakuza,...
Submit your press mentions
You can now submit press articles online here so that they are included in our monthly press review. Only articles from the current month will be taken into account. The media’s reach in relation to the musical genre considered will also be taken into account when selecting the articles to be displayed.