Press review
Press Review April 2023
Avec son nouveau single Gabriel, Badi questionne l’homophobie dans les communautés religieuses | Le Focus Vif |
Un nouveau printemps pour Cabane | Pop News |
Mathieu Boogaerts, November Ultra au festival Changez d’Air, Lyon | FIP |
Hear this Passionate Punk-Fueled DAGGERS ‘The Fable of the Bees’ Full Album Premiere | CVLT Nation |
KermesZ á l'Est - Octophilia | Underdog Fanzine | |
KermesZ à l’Est ‘Octophilia’ | Kathodik | |
KermesZ á l'Est - Octophilia | Underdog Fanzine | |
KermesZ à l’Est | Interview | New Album, ‘Octophilia’ | Psychedelic Baby Mag |
Fuzati et Le Motel : l'interview croisée | Jack Canal + |
Lethvm – Winterreise Review | Angry Metal Guy |
Loïc Nottet annonce son retour avec un single et un nouvel album | Moustique |
Daily Inspiration: Meet Margaux Vranken | Voyage LA |
Primero chante ses fragments et ça nous touche en plein coeur | La Vague Parallèle |
RIVE – Collision | Les Oreilles Curieuses |
Robbing Millions – Rêve Party | Les Oreilles Curieuses |
Sylvain Darrifourcq : ouvrir le dialogue. | CitizenJazz |
[LP] Lux Montes – La Traversée | Indie Music |
Catherine Graindorge, l'artiste belge du moment à voir aux Nuits Botanique | Moustique |
Tiakola, Pierre De Maere, Zaho de Sagazan... ils seront de tous les festivals | Huffington Post |
What’s going on: A video selection
This selection of videos will be regularly updated based on interviews, features and clips from artists from the Wallonia-Brussels Federation (Belgium) who are active on international stages.
This month's video clips
Badi, Sagat, Aurel, Blondy Brownie, Peet, Pierres, Antoine Hénaut, Le Motel, Glauque, Robbing Millions, Lost Frequencies, Ada Oda...
Angèle, Eosine, Annabel Lee, Hamza, Gros Coeur,...
Submit your press mentions
You can now submit press articles online here so that they are included in our monthly press review. Only articles from the current month will be taken into account. The media’s reach in relation to the musical genre considered will also be taken into account when selecting the articles to be displayed.